Positive psychology. A young discipline scientific whose object of study is a old theme, happiness

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Ferrán Padrós Blázquez
María Patricia Martínez Medina
Claudia Yunuén Gutiérrez-Hernández
Mayra Areli Medina Calvillo


This work reviews a new subdiscipline known as Positive Psychology. In the first part, concepts are defined as well as historical background and data regarding the great interest it has currently evoked. Subsequently, the concepts of psychological well being and subjective well being are defined as they are used to allude to the subject of happiness as well as the main models and instruments most commonly used to measure. In the last part, other topics that are related to positive psychology are discussed, such as positive emotions, resilience, postraumatic growth, and creativity. Finally, the more pragmatic and applied aspect of what Positive Psychology offers is mentioned, which is the interventions it has generated to increase well being.


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How to Cite
Padrós Blázquez, F. ., Martínez Medina, M. P., Gutiérrez-Hernández, C. Y., & Medina Calvillo, M. A. (2010). Positive psychology. A young discipline scientific whose object of study is a old theme, happiness. Uaricha, 7(14), 30–40. https://doi.org/10.35830/urp.v7i14.445


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