Cognitive-behavioral intervention for elaboration of the duel in the mother-son dyad

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Andrómeda Ivette Valencia Ortiz
Yolanda Dávila Vázquez


We developed a cognitive-behavioral strategy for the management of grief in the mother-child dyad. Involved a 40 years old woman and her eldest son (and only child) 9 year old boy. The main consultant reasons of the mother were symptoms of depression and anxiety at the possible death of her husband (with chronic degenerative illness result of alcohol consumption). Interview was conducted to identify the development of the problem, defining it and the most important variables involved (distant, background, organism, and result variables) and whether there were previous attempts to solve it. We developed the Clinical Pathogenesis Map (CPM) for the mother and one for the child, allowing the development of the Achieve Goals Map (AGM), consisting of potential intervention strategies, instrumental outcome variables, and goals for final results. Both patients achieved therapeutic goals, reported clinical significance
and treatment satisfaction.


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How to Cite
Valencia Ortiz, A. I. ., & Dávila Vázquez, Y. (2010). Cognitive-behavioral intervention for elaboration of the duel in the mother-son dyad. Uaricha, 7(14), 1–11.


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