Decriminalize consumption of drugs in Mexico, the solution?

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Miguel Ángel García Guzmán


One of our 4th semester students, based on a documentary investigation and interviews with specialists in the field, provides us with an overview of the strong
controversy that persists regarding the continuity or not of the penalty for consumption and traffic of narcotics in Mexico. Based on experiences of European countries that report the
exacerbation of this social problem, concludes that the penalization must continue, because -at its own judgment-, as a society we are not prepared to assimilate a resolution of such magnitude;
but, yes to champion the fight to eradicate imitation, machismo, consumerism, corruption and other cultural burdens that have us located where we are. And in any case,
raises the interesting question to be investigated: why the immediate satisfaction of our needs easily replaces any scale of values?


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How to Cite
García Guzmán, M. Ángel . (2004). Decriminalize consumption of drugs in Mexico, the solution?. Uaricha, 1(3), 17–20.


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