Considerations around movement alienist and the moral treatment of insanity

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Mónica Cantero Vázquez
José Rodrigo García Camacho


The studies developed along the following pages are about alienism, first period of the doctrinal psychiatric elaboration, and the proposal of therapeutic intervention: the moral treatment of mental alienation. The objective is to describe the important fragments according to the contemporary clinical psychology and the psychoanalysis of that historic period. Our purpose is to point out the relationship and differences between psychoanalysis, alienism and the philosophical school which maintained the proposal moral treatment, namely stoicism. The intention of this paper is to generate reflections beginning from the points where the psychoanalysis and the proposals of alienistics and philosophers converge related with insanity, its location and treatment.


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How to Cite
Cantero Vázquez, M., & García Camacho, J. R. . (2010). Considerations around movement alienist and the moral treatment of insanity. Uaricha, 7(14), 89–104.


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