Dialogue, identity and discourse in social life. A social-psychological reflection from the thought of M. Bakhtin

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Raúl Ernesto García Rodríguez


From the starting point of the literary and discursive reflections in the work of Mikhail Bakhtin, this article analyzes the problematic of identity
in social relations to vindicate the fundamental theoretical contribution that those postures have made to contemporary psychosocial thought
from a transdisciplinary perspective. Here, the moment of subjectivity is problematized as a regulated, though irreducible, instance within the active conformation of personal and collective realities, while the text further elucidates the way in which a certain architectonics is configured in the identity of the subject through diverse dialogical relations that involve a character not only psychological and corporeal, but also political, historical, ethical and ideological. Finally, the possibility of the personal act as a situated, but unrepeatable, product in the polyphonic and variable milieu of the social context is assumed.


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How to Cite
García Rodríguez, R. E. (2012). Dialogue, identity and discourse in social life. A social-psychological reflection from the thought of M. Bakhtin. Uaricha, 9(18), 38–54. https://doi.org/10.35830/urp.v9i18.426


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