Desarrollo de un instrumento para evaluar la percepción de niños preescolares de los estilos de crianza de sus padres

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Alicia Alelí Chaparro Caso López
Carmen Guadalupe González Velázquez
Fernando Martínez Abad


Parenting patterns have a significant impact on the physical, cognitive and social development of their
children. Previous research to explore the perception that children have on parenting practices has been centered mostly on adolescents. The objective of this study was to develop an instrument to evaluate the perception that preschoolers have on the parenting styles used by their mothers and their fathers. One hundred and thirty-seven children participated (68 girls and 69 boys), with an age range of 3-6 years (M = 4 years 4 months). The sample came from one private and two public pre-schools in Mexico City. The instrument is based on the Theory of Parenting Styles of Baumrind (1967): authoritarian, authoritative and permissive. The final instrument was composed of 30 items for the mother and 30 items for the father. These items were grouped into five factors: Authoritarian pattern, Authoritative-teaching pattern, A u t h o r i t at i ve - p r o m o t i n g a u t o n o m y p at t e r n , Authoritative-involvement pattern and Permissive pattern; which were consistent with the theory of Baumrind.


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Chaparro Caso López, A. A. ., González Velázquez, C. G. ., & Martínez Abad, F. . (2017). Desarrollo de un instrumento para evaluar la percepción de niños preescolares de los estilos de crianza de sus padres. Uaricha, 14(34), 17–29.


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