La migración de retorno en zonas rurales en los Altos de Jalisco: Su impacto en la salud y recursos psicológicos

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María de la Luz Pérez Padilla
María Elena Rivera Heredia


Migration is a social phenomenon that affects the wellbeing of those who migrate as for those who stay, and
for those who return. This work integrates qualitative and quantitative information of returning emigrants. It
describes the experiences and stressful situations that those who migrate lived since before the left to returning, their symptoms and psychological resources. There were 29 participants, the majority men from four rural communities from los Altos de Jalisco region in Mexico. A questionnaire with open and close questions about the migration and returning experience was used, the Psychological resources scales and the Psychosomatic Symptoms Scale. It was identified the personal, family and community resources from the returned, as well as the challenges in each context. Retuned emigrants show to have self-control, optimism and altruism. In general, they report a health status favorable and attribute part of their personal growth to the migration experience. Family was the main reason to return; even though this returned have some difficulties returning conditions, these emigrants have a positive perception of their experience.


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How to Cite
Pérez Padilla, M. de la L. ., & Rivera Heredia, M. E. . (2017). La migración de retorno en zonas rurales en los Altos de Jalisco: Su impacto en la salud y recursos psicológicos. Uaricha, 14(34), 1–16.


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