Perfil del sicario en México

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Arcelia Arcelia Ruiz Vázquez
Tonatiuh García Campos
Ferran Padrós Blázquez
Miguel Ángel Sahagún Padilla


The present article aims to investigate the personality, values and criminal motivation of the hitman in Mexico.
The information is collected through twenty-one interviews with experts in criminal psychology -psychologists and criminologists - with at least two years of experience in the diagnosis and / or treatment of the sicarial population in penitentiary centers, prosecutor's offices, human rights commission and prosecution offices specialized from six states located in the north, center and south of the country. The results obtained allow a profiling of the hitman in Mexico, as well as a glimpse of the importance not only of the personality traits in the development of the sicarial behavior, but also the relevance of the socio-cultural context that often maintains and encourages such behavior criminal. One of the most important limitations of the study was the lack of collaboration on the part of government authorities in the study of the sicarial phenomenon in detention, despite the economic, social and cultural impact of this phenomenon in Mexico.


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How to Cite
Arcelia Ruiz Vázquez, A. ., García Campos, T. ., Padrós Blázquez, F. ., & Sahagún Padilla, M. Ángel . (2017). Perfil del sicario en México. Uaricha, 14(34), 47–57.


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