Oedipus and castration in women

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María Cristina Ortega Martínez
Hugo Pedroza Falcón


The main goal of this article is to show the reader the differences between women and men in oedipal process. Using the psychoanalytic theory as the frame and several of its notions such as Oedipal Complex, Castration Complex and Anxiety, this work explains how women process sociocultural prohibitions and pressures differently than men. Differences which have consequences in interaction patterns between sexual genders as a result of internal conflicts. Men and Women search for the lost object after they struggle in the oedipal process, a complex battlefield which imprints all individuals, makethem scarsand determines their actions as a potential partner in a couple. Men will be afraid and run from the Castration Complex meanwhile women will assume it, live with it and try to compensate it.


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How to Cite
Ortega Martínez, M. C. ., & Pedroza Falcón, H. . (2013). Oedipus and castration in women. Uaricha, 10(22), 32–41. https://doi.org/10.35830/urp.v10i22.97


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