The familiar in psychoanalysis. Prohibition of incest and genealogical succession.

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Ivonne Sierra Ortiz


The existence of the family as a social form has been traced since the earliest stages of mankind, at the very dawn of humanity. Its presence has allowed for the regulation of both kinship and relationships with the outside world. The reason for its enduring presence, despite the passage of time, is a topic that has sparked the interest of various fields, notably anthropology and psychoanalysis. Why has the family persisted through countless generations?  Understanding this question requires not only examining its genesis but also the social function it holds. According to psychoanalysis, the family establishes boundaries through addressing oedipal conflicts, defining what's allowed and forbidden for the individual's inner world. By adhering to legal and social norms governing the Western world, particularly the prohibition of incest, the family ensures the continuity of psychic development across generations. This sheds light on why it continues to endure.


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Sierra Ortiz, I. (2024). The familiar in psychoanalysis. Prohibition of incest and genealogical succession. Uaricha, 22, 1–18. Retrieved from


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