Knowledge about diagnostic tests for breast cancer and psychological distress in adult women Diagnostic tests and psychological distress

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Yineth Alejandra Muñoz-Anacona
Sergio Osvaldo Meza-Chavolla
Alejandro Domínguez-Rodríguez
Leivy Patricia González-Ramírez
Joel Omar González-Cantero
Paulina Erika Herdoiza-Arroyo
Fabiola Macías-Espinoza
Reyna Jazmín Martínez-Arriaga


Early detection of cancer is crucial for increasing survival rates. However, screening tests are influenced by the knowledge individuals have about them and the underlying psychological distress. This study aimed to identify knowledge about diagnostic tests for breast cancer and symptoms of psychological distress in women attending a breast clinic. A cross-sectional study was conducted with 32 women who visited a breast clinic for diagnostic evaluation of breast cancer. A semi-structured interview was used to assess knowledge of diagnostic evaluation tests, and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) was used to evaluate psychological distress. Descriptive analyses and the chi-square test were performed to determine the association between psychological distress and knowledge of diagnostic tests. 62% of the participants were aware of the tests, procedures, and examinations that would be performed during their consultation. The most well-known test was mammography, while biopsy and clinical examination were the least known. Anxious symptoms were identified in 50% of the sample, and depressive symptoms in 34% of the studied population. 66% of the women reported feeling calm prior to their screening examination, although some expressed concerns and worries about the test results and potential procedure-related pain. According to the chi-square test, there was no association between psychological distress and knowledge of diagnostic tests, nor between anxiety and psychological distress. The lack of knowledge regarding diagnostic tests such as biopsy, as well as the psychological distress experienced by the women studied, is evident. It is important to promote psychoeducation for those undergoing these tests to enhance their control over their health.


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Muñoz-Anacona, Y. A. ., Meza-Chavolla, S. O. ., Domínguez-Rodríguez, A. ., González-Ramírez, L. P. ., González-Cantero, J. O., Herdoiza-Arroyo, P. E., … Martínez-Arriaga, R. J. . (2023). Knowledge about diagnostic tests for breast cancer and psychological distress in adult women: Diagnostic tests and psychological distress. Uaricha, 21, 16–31.


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